Lucene index optimization is broken
Bojana Lalic
2008-10-08 02:29:12 UTC
Hi all

I believe that the Lucene index optimization is broken on our Jahia release 5.0.0, Community Edition, Build 16138 site and would like to install SP 5.

Can someone please confirm whether I need to install SP4 first? If so, SP4 seems to be unavailable???



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Bojana Lalic
2008-10-08 07:03:41 UTC
Hi all

I believe that the Lucene index optimization is broken on our Jahia release 5.0.0, Community Edition, Build 16138 site and would like to install SP 5.

Can someone please confirm whether I need to install SP4 first? If so, SP4 seems to be unavailable???



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Benjamin Papez
2008-10-10 09:10:52 UTC
template_list mailing list
Bojana Lalic
2008-10-12 22:31:18 UTC
Hi Benjamin

We were getting a lot of "too many open files" errors so we installed the following:

Available at http://nightly2.jahia.org/nightly/hotfix/

The search now seems to be stable :)



From: template_list-***@jahia.org [mailto:template_list-***@jahia.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin Papez
Sent: Friday, 10 October 2008 7:41 PM
To: Any questions regarding template development and/or about the taglibs extension
Subject: Re: [template_list] Lucene index optimization is broken

Hello Bojana,

Jahia 5 SP 5 is not released yet. The latest you can get and should use is Jahia 5 SP4_02.

It is downloadable from http://www.jahia.net/jahia/page584.html
The readme with the migration steps is here: http://www.jahia.net/download/jahia5.0/stable/README_5.0.4_02.html


On 08.10.2008 09:03 Bojana Lalic wrote:

Hi all

I believe that the Lucene index optimization is broken on our Jahia release 5.0.0, Community Edition, Build 16138 site and would like to install SP 5.

Can someone please confirm whether I need to install SP4 first? If so, SP4 seems to be unavailable???



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template_list mailing list



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