Site Publishing
Thomas Feldman
2009-02-10 17:31:12 UTC
I have a question that may be simple...

Once I have created a website, how do I publish it on a distant server?
What if the distant server already has a apache/tomcat server running?

Which url should I use to point to the web site? Is the
servername:8080/cms/site address mandatory?


Thomas Feldman
Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager

Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19

http://www.duke-interactive.com <http://www.duke-interactive.com>

If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
Sergiy Shyrkov
2009-02-13 14:39:55 UTC
Hello Thomas,

the distant site publishing (available from Jahia Administration > Site
Settigs > Manage Distant Site For Auto Export) is dedicated to replicate
the content of a current site to any other distant site, either running
on the other Jahia server or on the same one.

The feature is used for example for separating authoring and browsing
Assume you have a server "authoring.my.org" with Jahia running a virtual
site "Sandbox" (http://authoring.my.org:8080/cms/site/sandbox) and the
publicly accessible server "my.org" with Jahia running a virtual site
"My Site" (http://my.org:8080/cms/site/my), which is a replication of
the authoring environment.

During the configuration of the auto-export job, you need to provide the
URL for the target server, running Jahia, i.e. http://my.org:8080/cms
and the site key of the target site.

Kind regards

P.S. There is an issue with the auto-export feature, we have identified
and corrected recently. In some cases the IOException is thrown when
executing auto-export.
I have a question that may be simpleā€¦
Once I have created a website, how do I publish it on a distant server?
What if the distant server already has a apache/tomcat server running?
Which url should I use to point to the web site? Is the
servername:8080/cms/site address mandatory?
*Thomas Feldman
*Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager
*Duke - A Razorfish Company*
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19
If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
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