Merouane AMRAOUI
2007-11-28 10:43:46 UTC
we use HTML form mapped with containerList using FormHandler Tag to
allow internet users to comment an item, to create an advertisement on our
web site ...
For security purpose we want deactivate or escape HTM/javascript in our form
html ( BigText, SmallText field declared as BigText, SmalText in container
) .
Q1 - it' s possible to specify at fields declaration phase to escape
HTML/Javascript entities ?
we use HTML form mapped with containerList using FormHandler Tag to
allow internet users to comment an item, to create an advertisement on our
web site ...
For security purpose we want deactivate or escape HTM/javascript in our form
html ( BigText, SmallText field declared as BigText, SmalText in container
) .
Q1 - it' s possible to specify at fields declaration phase to escape
HTML/Javascript entities ?