Bojana Lalic
2008-07-21 06:42:12 UTC
Hi all
I've got a left hand navigation on my site which consists of the open content area (can be any portlet) and navigation links. The links work fine and are "passed" through to the pages navigated to from the menu. However, if I for example add a free text portlet with some text in it, it does not get passed through to the pages navigated to from the menu. (Even though the links do).
I've included the contents of my box.jsp file below... I've debugged and it gets to the <content:container id="boxContainer"> and it then stops. Does anyone have any tips as to how to get this to work, and make sure that my portlet contents is passed through?
<div id="left_nav">
<jsp:include page="include/box.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="id" value="left_menu_home"/>
<jsp:param name="displayDetailshome" value="true"/>
public void getPageSubTree( JahiaData jData,
int rootPageID,
int currentPageID,
String theURL,
int currentLevel,
PageContext pageContext,
org.apache.log4j.Logger logger
throws JahiaException
JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
JahiaContainerList linksContainerList = jData.containers().getAbsoluteContainerList( "linkContainer", currentPageID );
boolean editMode = jData.gui().isEditMode();
boolean hasSubs = false;
try {
if (linksContainerList != null) {
Enumeration linksContainerEnum = linksContainerList.getContainers();
if (linksContainerEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
hasSubs = true;
while (linksContainerEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
JahiaContainer linksContainer = (JahiaContainer) linksContainerEnum.nextElement();
ContainerBean linksContainerBean = new ContainerBean(linksContainer,jData.params());
PageBean linkBean = (PageBean) linksContainerBean.getField("link").getObject() ;
if (linkBean != null) {
int truncSize = editMode ? 30 - (currentLevel * 3) : 40 - (currentLevel * 3);
String pageTitle = linkBean.getTitle();
logger.debug("pageTitle is " + pageTitle + " for pid " + linkBean.getId());
boolean displayLine = false;
if (pageTitle != null) {
if (pageTitle.length() == 0) {
if (editMode) {
pageTitle = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>" + getResourceBundle("noTitle","No title",jData) + "</span>";
displayLine = true;
} else {
displayLine = true;
} else {
if (editMode) {
pageTitle = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>" + getResourceBundle("noTitle","No title",jData) + "</span>";
displayLine = true;
if (displayLine) {
// displays page info
String state = "";
if ( jData.gui().isPageInPath(linkBean.getId()) ) {
state = "on";
if ( linkBean.getId() == rootPageID ) {
state = "current";
//out.println("<td class=\"left"+state+"\"");
//boolean isCurrent = false;
if (! jData.gui().isPageInPath(linkBean.getId()) && ! "current".equals(state)){
//out.println(" onmouseover=\"leftOn(this)\" onmouseout=\"leftOff(this)\"");
//isCurrent = true;
out.println("<a class=\"leftlevel" + currentLevel + " side" + state);
out.println("\" href=\"" + linkBean.getUrl() + "\">"+pageTitle+"</a>");
// displays action buttons on container
jData.gui().html().drawBeginActionMenu(linksContainerBean, null, null, false, "", "jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates", null, out);
// displays sub links
if (linkBean.isInCurrentPagePath()) {
getPageSubTree(jData , rootPageID, linkBean.getId(), theURL,currentLevel, pageContext,logger);
} else {
if (editMode) {
out.println("<a href='#' class='leftlevel" + currentLevel +
"' style='color:#ff0000;'>" + getResourceBundle("noPage","No page",jData) + "</a>");
jData.gui().html().drawBeginActionMenu(linksContainerBean, null, null, false, "", "jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates", null, out);
} // while (linksContainerEnum.hasMoreElements
// displays action buttons on containerlist
ContentPage currentPage = ContentPage.getPage(currentPageID);
ContainerListBean linksContainerListBean = new ContainerListBean(linksContainerList,jData.params());"linksContainerListBean.isActionURIsEmpty() for page " + currentPageID + " -> " + linksContainerListBean.isActionURIsEmpty());
if (! linksContainerListBean.isActionURIsEmpty() ) {
//out.println("<span class=\"leftlevel" + currentLevel +"\">");
jData.gui().html().drawBeginActionMenu(linksContainerListBean , null, theURL + "/images/add.gif", false, "", "jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates", "addPage", out);
if (hasSubs) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.debug("IO exception while trying to print left menu for object ", ioe);
// return the pid of the parent page at the wanted level
public int getPageIDAtLevel(JahiaData jData, int startLevel, int maxLevel)
throws JahiaException
int initLevel = startLevel;
int currentLevel = jData.gui().getLevel();
if ( (currentLevel - maxLevel) > initLevel ){
startLevel = currentLevel - maxLevel;
Enumeration myPath =, jData.params().getUser());
int i = 0;
while (myPath.hasMoreElements()) {
ContentPage myPage = (ContentPage) myPath.nextElement();
if (i == (startLevel)) {
return myPage.getID();
return -1;
} // end getLevelID
/*String maxLevelStr = (String) pageContext.findAttribute("leftMenuMaxDepth");
int maxLevel = 1;
try {
maxLevel = Integer.parseInt(maxLevelStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
//System.out.println("left_menu.jsp -> NumberException : " + nfe.toString());
int maxLevel = 2;
<content:declareField name="isHomeMenu" title="Is child of Home Page" type="Boolean" value="false" />
<p>Child of Home Page: <content:booleanField name="isHomeMenu" id="isHomeMenu" valueId="isHomeMenuVal" display="true" /></p>
int startLevel = jData.gui().getContentHomePage().getID() == ? 1 : 2;
<logic:notEmpty name="isHomeMenuVal">
<logic:equal name="isHomeMenuVal" value="true">
startLevel = 1;
//out.print("got here");
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="isHomeMenu" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false"/>
//out.print(getPageIDAtLevel(jData, 1 ,maxLevel));
//for (Enumeration e = jData.gui().getContentHomePage().getChilds(jData.params()) ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
// out.print(e.nextElement()+"<hr>");
//int startLevel = 1;
int linkCount = 0;
if (!thePrint) {
<content:declareContainerList name="linkContainer"
titleKey="Link Container"
<content:declareField name="link"
<content:absoluteContainerList name="linkContainer" id="linkContainerList" pageLevel="<%=String.valueOf(startLevel)%>">
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainerList" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
<content:container id="linkContainer">
<content:pageField valueId="link" name="link"/>
<logic:empty name="link">
<logic:equal name="currentRequest" property="editMode" value="true">
if (linkCount == 1) {
<a href="#" class="leftlevel1" style="color:#ff0000;"><content:resourceBundle
resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" resourceName="noPage"
defaultValue="No page"/></a>
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainer" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
<logic:notEmpty name="link">
<logic:equal name="link" property="currentPage" value="true">
<bean:define id="state" value="current"/>
<logic:notEqual name="link" property="currentPage" value="true">
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<bean:define id="state" value="on"/>
<logic:notEqual name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<bean:define id="state" value=""/>
<logic:notEmpty name="link" property="title">
if (linkCount == 1) {
<logic:equal name="link" property="currentPage" value="false">
<a href="<bean:write name='link' property='url'/>" class="leftlevel1 <logic:equal name="state" value="current">sidecurrent</logic:equal> <logic:equal name="state" value="on">sidecurrentpath</logic:equal>"><bean:write name="link"
property="title" filter="false"/></a>
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainer" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
if ( jData.gui().getLevel() > startLevel + maxLevel + 1){
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<br/><a href="<%=jData.params().composePageUrl(getPageIDAtLevel(jData,startLevel + 1 ,maxLevel))%>"><img src="<jahia:contextURL/>/images/up.gif" alt="[..]" border="0" width="16" height="16"></a>
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<%getPageSubTree(jData,, getPageIDAtLevel(jData,startLevel + 1 ,maxLevel), theURL,1, pageContext,logger);%>
<logic:empty name="link" property="title">
<logic:equal name="currentRequest" property="editMode" value="true">
if (linkCount == 1) {
<a href="<bean:write name='link' property='url'/>" class="leftlevel1" style="color:#ff0000;"><span style="color:#ff0000;"><content:resourceBundle
resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" resourceName="noTitle"
defaultValue="No tage"/></span></a>
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainer" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<%getPageSubTree(jData,, getPageIDAtLevel(jData,startLevel + 1 ,maxLevel), theURL,1, pageContext,logger);%>
if (linkCount > 0) {
hasLeft = linkCount;
<content:addContainerURL id="addContainerURL" display="false"/>
<logic:present name="addContainerURL">
href="<bean:write name='addContainerURL'/>"><%=addBoxButton%> <jahia:resourceBundle
resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" resourceName="addPage"/></a>
if (jData.gui().isEditMode()) {
%><img src="<jahia:contextURL/>/images/pix.gif" alt="" width="147" height="12"/><%
<a name="Top_of_Page"></a>
Mind Over Matter - How Technology Matters
Find out how modern lifestyles and technologies are influencing the human mind at's seminar on Tuesday 26 August, Sydney.
Find out more:
IMPORTANT: This e-mail, including any attachments, may contain private or confidential information. If you think you may not be the intended recipient, or if you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete all copies of this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not reproduce any part of this e-mail or disclose its contents to any other party. This email represents the views of the individual sender, which do not necessarily reflect those of limited except where the sender expressly states otherwise. It is your responsibility to scan this email and any files transmitted with it for viruses or any other defects. limited will not be liable for any loss, damage or consequence caused directly or indirectly by this email.
I've got a left hand navigation on my site which consists of the open content area (can be any portlet) and navigation links. The links work fine and are "passed" through to the pages navigated to from the menu. However, if I for example add a free text portlet with some text in it, it does not get passed through to the pages navigated to from the menu. (Even though the links do).
I've included the contents of my box.jsp file below... I've debugged and it gets to the <content:container id="boxContainer"> and it then stops. Does anyone have any tips as to how to get this to work, and make sure that my portlet contents is passed through?
<div id="left_nav">
<jsp:include page="include/box.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="id" value="left_menu_home"/>
<jsp:param name="displayDetailshome" value="true"/>
public void getPageSubTree( JahiaData jData,
int rootPageID,
int currentPageID,
String theURL,
int currentLevel,
PageContext pageContext,
org.apache.log4j.Logger logger
throws JahiaException
JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
JahiaContainerList linksContainerList = jData.containers().getAbsoluteContainerList( "linkContainer", currentPageID );
boolean editMode = jData.gui().isEditMode();
boolean hasSubs = false;
try {
if (linksContainerList != null) {
Enumeration linksContainerEnum = linksContainerList.getContainers();
if (linksContainerEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
hasSubs = true;
while (linksContainerEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
JahiaContainer linksContainer = (JahiaContainer) linksContainerEnum.nextElement();
ContainerBean linksContainerBean = new ContainerBean(linksContainer,jData.params());
PageBean linkBean = (PageBean) linksContainerBean.getField("link").getObject() ;
if (linkBean != null) {
int truncSize = editMode ? 30 - (currentLevel * 3) : 40 - (currentLevel * 3);
String pageTitle = linkBean.getTitle();
logger.debug("pageTitle is " + pageTitle + " for pid " + linkBean.getId());
boolean displayLine = false;
if (pageTitle != null) {
if (pageTitle.length() == 0) {
if (editMode) {
pageTitle = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>" + getResourceBundle("noTitle","No title",jData) + "</span>";
displayLine = true;
} else {
displayLine = true;
} else {
if (editMode) {
pageTitle = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>" + getResourceBundle("noTitle","No title",jData) + "</span>";
displayLine = true;
if (displayLine) {
// displays page info
String state = "";
if ( jData.gui().isPageInPath(linkBean.getId()) ) {
state = "on";
if ( linkBean.getId() == rootPageID ) {
state = "current";
//out.println("<td class=\"left"+state+"\"");
//boolean isCurrent = false;
if (! jData.gui().isPageInPath(linkBean.getId()) && ! "current".equals(state)){
//out.println(" onmouseover=\"leftOn(this)\" onmouseout=\"leftOff(this)\"");
//isCurrent = true;
out.println("<a class=\"leftlevel" + currentLevel + " side" + state);
out.println("\" href=\"" + linkBean.getUrl() + "\">"+pageTitle+"</a>");
// displays action buttons on container
jData.gui().html().drawBeginActionMenu(linksContainerBean, null, null, false, "", "jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates", null, out);
// displays sub links
if (linkBean.isInCurrentPagePath()) {
getPageSubTree(jData , rootPageID, linkBean.getId(), theURL,currentLevel, pageContext,logger);
} else {
if (editMode) {
out.println("<a href='#' class='leftlevel" + currentLevel +
"' style='color:#ff0000;'>" + getResourceBundle("noPage","No page",jData) + "</a>");
jData.gui().html().drawBeginActionMenu(linksContainerBean, null, null, false, "", "jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates", null, out);
} // while (linksContainerEnum.hasMoreElements
// displays action buttons on containerlist
ContentPage currentPage = ContentPage.getPage(currentPageID);
ContainerListBean linksContainerListBean = new ContainerListBean(linksContainerList,jData.params());"linksContainerListBean.isActionURIsEmpty() for page " + currentPageID + " -> " + linksContainerListBean.isActionURIsEmpty());
if (! linksContainerListBean.isActionURIsEmpty() ) {
//out.println("<span class=\"leftlevel" + currentLevel +"\">");
jData.gui().html().drawBeginActionMenu(linksContainerListBean , null, theURL + "/images/add.gif", false, "", "jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates", "addPage", out);
if (hasSubs) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.debug("IO exception while trying to print left menu for object ", ioe);
// return the pid of the parent page at the wanted level
public int getPageIDAtLevel(JahiaData jData, int startLevel, int maxLevel)
throws JahiaException
int initLevel = startLevel;
int currentLevel = jData.gui().getLevel();
if ( (currentLevel - maxLevel) > initLevel ){
startLevel = currentLevel - maxLevel;
Enumeration myPath =, jData.params().getUser());
int i = 0;
while (myPath.hasMoreElements()) {
ContentPage myPage = (ContentPage) myPath.nextElement();
if (i == (startLevel)) {
return myPage.getID();
return -1;
} // end getLevelID
/*String maxLevelStr = (String) pageContext.findAttribute("leftMenuMaxDepth");
int maxLevel = 1;
try {
maxLevel = Integer.parseInt(maxLevelStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
//System.out.println("left_menu.jsp -> NumberException : " + nfe.toString());
int maxLevel = 2;
<content:declareField name="isHomeMenu" title="Is child of Home Page" type="Boolean" value="false" />
<p>Child of Home Page: <content:booleanField name="isHomeMenu" id="isHomeMenu" valueId="isHomeMenuVal" display="true" /></p>
int startLevel = jData.gui().getContentHomePage().getID() == ? 1 : 2;
<logic:notEmpty name="isHomeMenuVal">
<logic:equal name="isHomeMenuVal" value="true">
startLevel = 1;
//out.print("got here");
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="isHomeMenu" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false"/>
//out.print(getPageIDAtLevel(jData, 1 ,maxLevel));
//for (Enumeration e = jData.gui().getContentHomePage().getChilds(jData.params()) ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
// out.print(e.nextElement()+"<hr>");
//int startLevel = 1;
int linkCount = 0;
if (!thePrint) {
<content:declareContainerList name="linkContainer"
titleKey="Link Container"
<content:declareField name="link"
<content:absoluteContainerList name="linkContainer" id="linkContainerList" pageLevel="<%=String.valueOf(startLevel)%>">
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainerList" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
<content:container id="linkContainer">
<content:pageField valueId="link" name="link"/>
<logic:empty name="link">
<logic:equal name="currentRequest" property="editMode" value="true">
if (linkCount == 1) {
<a href="#" class="leftlevel1" style="color:#ff0000;"><content:resourceBundle
resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" resourceName="noPage"
defaultValue="No page"/></a>
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainer" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
<logic:notEmpty name="link">
<logic:equal name="link" property="currentPage" value="true">
<bean:define id="state" value="current"/>
<logic:notEqual name="link" property="currentPage" value="true">
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<bean:define id="state" value="on"/>
<logic:notEqual name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<bean:define id="state" value=""/>
<logic:notEmpty name="link" property="title">
if (linkCount == 1) {
<logic:equal name="link" property="currentPage" value="false">
<a href="<bean:write name='link' property='url'/>" class="leftlevel1 <logic:equal name="state" value="current">sidecurrent</logic:equal> <logic:equal name="state" value="on">sidecurrentpath</logic:equal>"><bean:write name="link"
property="title" filter="false"/></a>
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainer" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
if ( jData.gui().getLevel() > startLevel + maxLevel + 1){
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<br/><a href="<%=jData.params().composePageUrl(getPageIDAtLevel(jData,startLevel + 1 ,maxLevel))%>"><img src="<jahia:contextURL/>/images/up.gif" alt="[..]" border="0" width="16" height="16"></a>
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<%getPageSubTree(jData,, getPageIDAtLevel(jData,startLevel + 1 ,maxLevel), theURL,1, pageContext,logger);%>
<logic:empty name="link" property="title">
<logic:equal name="currentRequest" property="editMode" value="true">
if (linkCount == 1) {
<a href="<bean:write name='link' property='url'/>" class="leftlevel1" style="color:#ff0000;"><span style="color:#ff0000;"><content:resourceBundle
resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" resourceName="noTitle"
defaultValue="No tage"/></span></a>
<jahiaHtml:actionMenu name="linkContainer" namePostFix="" resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" useFieldSet="false">
<logic:equal name="link" property="inCurrentPagePath" value="true">
<%getPageSubTree(jData,, getPageIDAtLevel(jData,startLevel + 1 ,maxLevel), theURL,1, pageContext,logger);%>
if (linkCount > 0) {
hasLeft = linkCount;
<content:addContainerURL id="addContainerURL" display="false"/>
<logic:present name="addContainerURL">
href="<bean:write name='addContainerURL'/>"><%=addBoxButton%> <jahia:resourceBundle
resourceBundle="jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates" resourceName="addPage"/></a>
if (jData.gui().isEditMode()) {
%><img src="<jahia:contextURL/>/images/pix.gif" alt="" width="147" height="12"/><%
<a name="Top_of_Page"></a>
Mind Over Matter - How Technology Matters
Find out how modern lifestyles and technologies are influencing the human mind at's seminar on Tuesday 26 August, Sydney.
Find out more:
IMPORTANT: This e-mail, including any attachments, may contain private or confidential information. If you think you may not be the intended recipient, or if you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete all copies of this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not reproduce any part of this e-mail or disclose its contents to any other party. This email represents the views of the individual sender, which do not necessarily reflect those of limited except where the sender expressly states otherwise. It is your responsibility to scan this email and any files transmitted with it for viruses or any other defects. limited will not be liable for any loss, damage or consequence caused directly or indirectly by this email.