Unable to get a proper view with custom template
Nitin Aggarwal
2008-07-30 10:06:36 UTC

i have created my custom template and have installed it using my templates
i am now able to see a view but i doubt it is the proper view...
i am getting this problem and it seems to be a problem with my resource
bundle settings but i have no clue how i fix it...
please find the error message below...

2008-07-30 10:50:45,329: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource copy in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for locale
en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatempla
tes.Corporate_portal_templates, locale en
2008-07-30 10:50:45,438: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource update in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for
locale en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatemp
lates.Corporate_portal_templates, locale en
2008-07-30 10:50:45,766: INFO [org.jahia.services.cache.CacheFactory] -
Flushed all caches.
2008-07-30 10:50:45,766: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource delete in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for
locale en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatemp
lates.Corporate_portal_templates, locale en
[GC 128861K->70703K(1016320K), 0.0098794 secs]
2008-07-30 10:50:45,813: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource copy in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for locale
en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatempla
tes.Corporate_portal_templates, locale en
2008-07-30 10:50:45,860: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource update in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for
locale en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatemp
lates.Corporate_portal_templates, locale en
2008-07-30 10:50:45,876: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource delete in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for
locale en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatemp
lates.Corporate_portal_templates, locale en
2008-07-30 10:50:45,891: WARN [org.jahia.gui.HTMLToolBox] - Error accessing
resource copy in bundle jahiatemplates.Corporate_portal_templates for locale
en:Can't find bundle for base name jahiatempla

Cheers =)
Nitin Aggarwal
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Unable-to-get-a-proper-view-with-custom-template-tp18730085p18730085.html
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