Question about file template
Alexandre Aubert
2009-03-04 17:43:04 UTC

I am very new user of Jahia_6 and i was wondering how to modified the
file template ( filesBoxDisplay ) in order to show informations such as
< creator > and < creationdate >.

I know that the following part should show the creationdate but it
doesn't work:

<span class="resume"><template:field name="fileDesc"/></span>

<template:metadata contentBean="${fileContainer}" metadataName="created"
asDate="true" valueID="creationDate"/><fmt:formatDate
pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" value="${creationDate}"/>



Alexandre AUBERT

Software Engineer

Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 19 46
F : +33 (0)1 53 44 19 20
Thomas Feldman
2009-03-05 13:23:00 UTC
Hi !

The following problem has been solved. All metadata field definitions can be found, as explained in the jahiapedia, under the applicationcontext-metadata.xml file.

Everything is fine now...


De : template_list-***@jahia.org [mailto:template_list-***@jahia.org] De la part de Alexandre Aubert
Envoyé : mercredi 4 mars 2009 18:43
À : ***@jahia.org
Objet : [template_list] Question about file template


I am very new user of Jahia_6 and i was wondering how to modified the file template ( filesBoxDisplay ) in order to show informations such as « creator » and « creationdate ».

I know that the following part should show the creationdate but it doesn't work:

<span class="resume"><template:field name="fileDesc"/></span>

<template:metadata contentBean="${fileContainer}" metadataName="created" asDate="true" valueID="creationDate"/><fmt:formatDate pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" value="${creationDate}"/>



Alexandre AUBERT

Software Engineer

Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 19 46
F : +33 (0)1 53 44 19 20
