Hello Thomas,
it looks a bit strange to me.
I can only imaging the following situation:
If you set the "development" parameter to "false" and disable the JSP
recompilation, the updates to your JSPs are never taen in consideration
or at lest if you have not changed the "checkInterval", changes are
checked once in 5 minutes (depends on the values, you have).
Check you values in tomcat/conf/web.xml, please. There is a description
for each parameter (not from us, but from Apache Tomcat :-)).
If you are not sure, which settings are correct, send us the snapshop of
the conf/web.xml file to check the values.
Kind regards
Post by Thomas FeldmanHi Sergiy,
This event occurs in a filecontainer...I just revert to the original template, but the creation date was not there...But when I changed the dev parameters in conf/web.xml, I don't know if it is a coincidence, the cretion date reappears. We are testing this parameters to check if it is that or just restarting the tomcat that made the date reappears...
Thanks for helping us...
-----Message d'origine-----
Envoyé : jeudi 5 mars 2009 13:01
Objet : Re: [template_list] creation date
Hello Thomas,
please, give us the example of code, you use to retrieve the creation
date of a document. What is a "document" in your case: file from the
repository, content container, page?
Kind regards
Post by Thomas FeldmanHi, I don't know why but since a week, the metadata of all my documents
doesn't have any "creation date" or "created by" info...How can they
Does it has something to do with template development mode for example?
Can someone help me getting these infos back?
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