Indexing files of the media center
2008-07-30 15:23:40 UTC

Is there a way to index files posted in the media center without linked them
in file fields of a content page?

I just want to store files in the media center and be able to retrieve them
from the search engine without creating a page and a layout.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Indexing-files-of-the-media-center-tp18729643p18729643.html
Sent from the Jahia - Template mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Stephane Monier
2008-08-12 12:56:01 UTC
Hi Amine,

The current version of Jahia (5.x.x) does not support the indexation
of not linked files.
However, the next version of Jahia (Jahia 6, end of 2008) will supoprt
this feature, as we're moving to JackRabbit for our content
repository, the search engine has been totally redesigned.

Kind Regards,
Stephane Monier

Jahia Solutions Group
Off: +33 1 53 34 69 68
Jahia The Open Unified Web Platform

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Post by amine
Is there a way to index files posted in the media center without linked them
in file fields of a content page?
I just want to store files in the media center and be able to
retrieve them
from the search engine without creating a page and a layout.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Indexing-files-of-the-media-center-tp18729643p18729643.html
Sent from the Jahia - Template mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
template_list mailing list
2008-09-22 20:11:40 UTC
 DearI would like to start creating Jahia template using Eclipse.But I have ben unable to succefully setup Eclipse in order to benefit the Eclipse code assistof Jahia tag and API .Any help is welcome 
Lorenzo Patocchi
2008-09-23 07:17:25 UTC
Have You tried to googlize "jahia eclipse" ?


in my configuration i'm using MyEclipse to develop end debug templates

Post by ali DAN-BOUZOUA
I would like to start creating Jahia template using Eclipse.
But I have ben unable to succefully setup Eclipse in order to benefit the Eclipse code assist
of Jahia tag and API .
Any help is welcome
template_list mailing list
Lorenzo Patocchi
Dipl. Ing. STS/ETS/HTL
Tel: +41 91 60 55266
Cel: +41 79 375 0891
Fax: +41 91 223 9797

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Via Vedeggio 1
Uovo di Manno
6928 Manno - Lugano