Best practices for templates development
2008-04-18 08:18:37 UTC

I'd like to develop some custom template for jahia but it seems not very easy to each time create a jar, put it in new_templates/<mySite> directory and wait for the template to appears in the list.

Is there some best practices to develop jahia template like:

- How to change a template while it is already deployed (change jsp directly)

- How to debug the templates correctly ? (because a big stack with NullPointerException is not very clear for debugging purpose)

By the way, where can I find resources about developing for jahia anywhere else than the www.jahia.net website ?

Thank you in advance,

Benoit Pironet

Junior Consultant
SWORD Technologies
105, route d'Arlon
L-8009 Strassen
G.D. de Luxembourg

Tel: +352 26 11 26 81

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Stephane Monier
2008-04-18 12:20:05 UTC

You will find all the necessary documentation at the following URL : http://www.jahia.net/jahia/Jahia/site/jahia_net/pid/585

Regarding template development, I strongly recommend that you read the
template developer guide available at http://www.jahia.net/jahia/webdav/site/jahia_net/shared/Documentation/5.0.3/Jahia5TemplateDeveloperGuide.pdf
This guide should give you a good understanding and directions on how
to build your templates.

Kind regards,

Stephane Monier

Jahia Solutions Group
Jahia The Open Unified Web Platform

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Post by PIRONET Benoît
I’d like to develop some custom template for jahia but it seems not
very easy to each time create a jar, put it in new_templates/
<mySite> directory and wait for the template to appears in the list.
- How to change a template while it is already deployed (change jsp directly)
- How to debug the templates correctly ? (because a big
stack with NullPointerException is not very clear for debugging
By the way, where can I find resources about developing for jahia
anywhere else than the www.jahia.net website ?
Thank you in advance,
Benoit Pironet
Junior Consultant
SWORD Technologies
105, route d'Arlon
L-8009 Strassen
G.D. de Luxembourg
Tel: +352 26 11 26 81
template_list mailing list