Thanks, it's works
From: Benjamin Papez <***>
To: Any questions regarding template development and/or about the taglibs extension <***>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:44:59 PM
Subject: Re: [template_list] Page Field notitleoverwrite on Jahia 5.1
attached is the page_fields.jsp. You have to copy it to the directory tomcat\webapps\jahia\jsp\jahia\engines\shared of a Jahia 5.0.4 or 5.0.5 version.
If existing, you must also remove the precompile entries for page_field.jsp from tomcat\webapps\jahia\WEB-INF\web.xml:
Hope that helps,
PS.: The keyword is not yet implemented in Jahia 6, where all these definitions did undergo some major refactoring and some of them still need to be implemented to have the same set of features as in Jahia 5.
2009/2/18 ali DAN-BOUZOUA <***>
Post by Benjamin PapezWhich version are you using ?
But I can move my dev to a latest Jahia 5.XX if requiered (I'm testing also in // Jahia 6)
Post by Benjamin PapezIf you want, I could send you a patched page_field.jsp, which is reacting on a notitleoverwrite keyword.
Yes please, send me the patched page_field.jsp
Have good night
From: Benjamin Papez <***>
To: Any questions regarding template development and/or about the taglibs extension <***>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 5:04:47 PM
Subject: Re: [template_list] Page Field notitleoverwrite on Jahia 5.1
"notitleoverwrite" was supposed to be introduced in Jahia 5.1, which unfortunately has not been released yet. We have a Jahia 5 trunk with some performance and feature enhancements prepared, but not released yet. Instead the jahia 5 hotfix SVN branch was used to release jahai 5.0.5 recently.
Which version are you using ? If you want, I could send you a patched page_field.jsp, which is reacting on a notitleoverwrite keyword.
Regarding the "jahia_linkonly" versus "linkonly" - I think both will work, because the code is simply checking for the occurence of "linkonly".
2009/2/17 ali DAN-BOUZOUA <***>
Im using this code below derives from news/
I would like to use notitleoverwrite property in order to remove the input field for the page title (jahia 5. guide p. 34).
<content:declareField name="link"
title="Link" type="Page"
value="<jahia_linkonly, , notitleoverwrite>"
titleKey="" bundleKey="<%=resBundleID%>"
1. It's doesn't seems to works
2.jahia_linkonly is used instead oflinkonly as describes in the documentation
Any idea about how to make it works?
Kind regards