On line page
Thomas Feldman
2009-02-24 10:46:36 UTC

I 've created a bunch of new templates very simple. When I'm on the Edit page, everything works fine...As for the page preview : the page displays well... But, even if I published the page, nothing appears on the online page....

The online page html code is this :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr">


<meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=fr">

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<script type="text/javascript" src="/jsp/jahia/javascript/jahia.js"></script>

<!--[if lte IE 6]>

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img {

behavior: url("/jsp/jahia/css/pngbehavior.jsp")}



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"advc_enable":"Appliquer les réglages avancés du mode comparaison",

"advc_version1":"Version 1",

"advc_version2":"Version 2",


"versioning_workflowState":"status du workflow",


"versioning_versionDate":"Date de version",




<body><script id='jahia-gwt' type='text/javascript' src='/jsp/jahia/gwt/org.jahia.ajax.gwt.templates.entrypoint.general.live.Live/org.jahia.ajax.gwt.templates.entrypoint.general.live.Live.nocache.js'></script>

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"display":"Afficher les barres d'outils",

"reset": "Réinitialiser",

"hide_alert": "Attention",

"hide_warning": "Une barre d'outil, au moins, doit être affichée.",

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The source code of the edit page is :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr">


<meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=fr">

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var jahiaGWTParameters = {










<link href="/jsp/jahia/gwt/org.jahia.ajax.gwt.templates.entrypoint.general.live.Live/css/jahia-ext-all.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<link href="/jsp/jahia/css/gwt/theme/xtheme-jahia.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/jsp/jahia/javascript/jahia.js"></script>

<!--[if lte IE 6]>

<style type="text/css">

img {

behavior: url("/jsp/jahia/css/pngbehavior.jsp")}



<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">

var jahiaMainServletPath="/cms";

var jahiaContextPath ="";

var jahiaCoreWebdavPath ="/webdav";


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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jsp/jahia/css/portlets.css"/>

<title>Home Page</title>

<!-- All headers and declarations global meta and css-->

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/css/edit.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/css/files.css"><link rel="stylesheet" media="print" type="text/css" href="/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/css/print.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/css/web.css">

<script type="text/javascript" src='/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/scripts/swfobject.js'></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src='/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/scripts/textsizer.js'></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src='/jsp/jahia/templates/my-templates/theme/default/scripts/collapse.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'>

var resource_module_rb_application_resource = {"save":"Sauver",


"advp_enable":"Appliquer les réglages avancés de prévisualisation",

"advp_username":"Prévisualisation pour l'utilisateur",

"advp_dateofpreview":"Date de prévisualisation",

"advc_enable":"Appliquer les réglages avancés du mode comparaison",

"advc_version1":"Version 1",

"advc_version2":"Version 2",


"versioning_workflowState":"status du workflow",


"versioning_versionDate":"Date de version",





<script id='jahia-gwt' type='text/javascript' src='/jsp/jahia/gwt/org.jahia.ajax.gwt.templates.entrypoint.general.edit.Edit/org.jahia.ajax.gwt.templates.entrypoint.general.edit.Edit.nocache.js'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>

var toolsbars_rb_toolsbars = {

"display":"Afficher les barres d'outils",

"reset": "Réinitialiser",

"hide_alert": "Attention",

"hide_warning": "Une barre d'outil, au moins, doit être affichée.",

"hide_all": "Tout cacher"



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<li class="selected"><span>FR</span><span jahiatype="actionmenu" id="ContentPage_29-uid470186945_0.13364606357122388" wfkey="ContentPage_29" lang="fr" extended="true" statusonly="true"></span></li>



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<a class="loginFormTopLogoutShortcuts"href="/cms/engineName/logout/site/duke3/home/pid/29?engine_params=logout">Se déconnecter</a>



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<a class="loginFormTopMySettingsShortcuts" href="/cms/engineName/mysettings/site/duke3/op/edit/home" >Mes paramètres</a>


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<div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" actionType="0" labelkey="Modifier le logo" id="ContentContainerList_643-uid470187133_0.9527691146276721"></div>


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<h1 class="hide">Nom du site</h1>

<div id="navigationN1">

<!--start navigationN1-->

<div class="">

<ul class="level_1 "><li class="item_action standard first"><div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="navmenu" actionType="0" toolbarview="false" id="ContentContainerList_642-uid470187226_0.5896012967386153"></div>


<li class="item_1 standard">

<div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" wfkey="ContentPage_34" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="navlink" iconstyle="editContainer" actionType="2" toolbarview="false" labelkey="" id="ContentContainer_69-uid470187570_0.6787699173894932"></div>

<a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/qui-sommes-nous" class="" title="Qui Sommes Nous ?">Qui Sommes Nous ?</a>


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<a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/notre-travail" class="" title="Notre Travail">Notre Travail</a>


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<a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/rh" class="" title="RH">RH</a>


<li class="item_4 standard">

<div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" wfkey="ContentPage_37" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="navlink" iconstyle="editContainer" actionType="2" toolbarview="false" labelkey="" id="ContentContainer_72-uid470187664_0.31119488483793745"></div>

<a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/razorfish" class="" title="Razorfish">Razorfish</a>


<li class="item_5 standard last">

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<a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/presse" class="" title="Presse">Presse</a>





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<div id="content4">

<!--start content #content2=InsetB/content #content3=content/InsetA content4=alone #content5=50%InsetB/50%content-->

<div class="spaceContent">

<!--start spaceContent -->

<div id="breadcrumb">

<ul class="breadcrumb">

<li>Home Page</li>



<h2>Home Page</h2>

<div class="maincontentList">

<div class="containerListWrap">

<div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="mainContents" actionType="0" labelkey="Liste de paragraphes" id="ContentContainerList_648-uid470187773_0.7889288807143701"></div>

<a class="hidden" id="ctn394_65" name="ctn394_65"></a><div class="containerWrap"><div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="mainContent" iconstyle="editContainer" actionType="2" id="ContentContainer_65-uid470187851_0.020635401211368865"></div>

<div class="maincontent">

<h3><span id="contentTitle"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '65', '1431')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '65', '1431')">Right side Content</div></span></h3>

<span id="contentBody"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '65', '1430')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '65', '1430')">

<P>This is the content of the right side of Duke V2 Home page. You caan replace the content by cliking on the modify icon</P>



<br class="clear"/>

</div> <!-- action menus -->


<!-- end display action menu -->


<div class="intro">


<!-- end display action menu -->


<div class="box4 ">

<!--start box 4 default-->

<div class="box4-topright"></div>

<div class="box4-topleft"></div>

<h3 class="box4-header"><span class="newsTitle">Home Page</span></h3>

<div class="newsRss"><a href="">Abonnement au fil RSS</a>


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<div class="news"><a class="hidden" id="ctn396_68" name="ctn396_68"></a><div class="containerWrap"><div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="news" iconstyle="editContainer" actionType="2" labelkey="Modifier l'actualité" id="ContentContainer_68-uid470189805_0.41888737900579986"></div>

<div class="newsListItem"><!--start newsListItem -->

<h4><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_68"><span id="newsTitle"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '68', '1473')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '68', '1473')">Third New</div></span></a></h4>

<p class="newsInfo">

<span class="newsLabelDate">Date :</span>

<span id="newsDate"></span>

<span class="newsDate">



<div class="newsImg"><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_68"><span id="newsImg"></span></a></div>

<p class="newsResume">

<span id="newsResume"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '68', '1472')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '68', '1472')">This is the third new to be displayed. You can modify the news title and body by clicking of the new icon. Adding a new is very simple : just click on the add news icon.</div></span>


<div class="more"><span><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_68">


<span id="newsContent"></span>

<div class="clear"></div>


<!--stop newsListItem -->

</div> <!-- action menus --></div><!-- css user defined -->

<div class="news"><a class="hidden" id="ctn396_67" name="ctn396_67"></a><div class="containerWrap"><div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="news" iconstyle="editContainer" actionType="2" labelkey="Modifier l'actualité" id="ContentContainer_67-uid470189914_0.8998070416040128"></div>

<div class="newsListItem"><!--start newsListItem -->

<h4><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_67"><span id="newsTitle"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '67', '1459')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '67', '1459')">Second New</div></span></a></h4>

<p class="newsInfo">

<span class="newsLabelDate">Date :</span>

<span id="newsDate"></span>

<span class="newsDate">



<div class="newsImg"><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_67"><span id="newsImg"></span></a></div>

<p class="newsResume">

<span id="newsResume"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '67', '1458')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '67', '1458')">This is the second new to be displayed. You can modify the news title and body by clicking of the new icon. Adding a new is very simple : just click on the add news icon.</div></span>


<div class="more"><span><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_67">


<span id="newsContent"></span>

<div class="clear"></div>


<!--stop newsListItem -->

</div> <!-- action menus --></div><!-- css user defined -->

<div class="news"><a class="hidden" id="ctn396_66" name="ctn396_66"></a><div class="containerWrap"><div class="action-menu-icons" jahiatype="actionmenu" bundlename="jahiatemplates.Web-templates" namepostfix="news" iconstyle="editContainer" actionType="2" labelkey="Modifier l'actualité" id="ContentContainer_66-uid470192664_0.02470835761781165"></div>

<div class="newsListItem"><!--start newsListItem -->

<h4><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_66"><span id="newsTitle"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '66', '1445')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '66', '1445')">First New</div></span></a></h4>

<p class="newsInfo">

<span class="newsLabelDate">Date :</span>

<span id="newsDate"></span>

<span class="newsDate">



<div class="newsImg"><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_66"><span id="newsImg"></span></a></div>

<p class="newsResume">

<span id="newsResume"><div class="editableContent" onclick="onClickEditableContent(this, '66', '1444')" onblur="onBlurEditableContent(this, '66', '1444')">This is the first new to be displayed. You can modify the news title and body by clicking of the new icon. Adding a new is very simple : just click on the add news icon.</div></span>


<div class="more"><span><a href="/cms/site/duke3/op/edit/home/template/newsDetail?queryPath=/content/jahia/duke3/home/news/ContentContainer_66">


<span id="newsContent"></span>

<div class="clear"></div>


<!--stop newsListItem -->

</div> <!-- action menus --></div><!-- css user defined -->


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Thanks for any help...

Thomas Feldman
Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager

Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19

mailto:***@duke-interactive.com <mailto:***@duke-interactive.com>
http://www.duke-interactive.com <http://www.duke-interactive.com>

If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
Benjamin Papez
2009-02-24 20:51:08 UTC
Hello Thomas,

is there any error/warning logging in the console, when you access the page
in LIVE mode ?

Thomas Feldman
2009-02-25 09:49:30 UTC
Hello Benjamin, it seems there is no error ; I send you the console output:

============= gwt-log-1.5.6 =============Wed Feb 25 10:48:01 GMT+100 2009=============

[DEBUG] load module

[DEBUG] Categories selector not found

[DEBUG] load toolbar

POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/toolbar/


200 OK


CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)

[DEBUG] toolbar loaded

[INFO] createUI() 193ms

[DEBUG] 4 toolbar(s).

[DEBUG] is top

[DEBUG] ---- is display title: false

[DEBUG] ---- Nb items groupe: 5

[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.SwitchingMode

[DEBUG] items group layout =8

[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel

[DEBUG] add tabitem

[DEBUG] items group layout =8

[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel

[DEBUG] add tabitem

[DEBUG] items group layout =8

[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel

[DEBUG] add tabitem

[DEBUG] items group layout =8

[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel

[DEBUG] add tabitem

[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.User

[DEBUG] items group layout =2

[DEBUG] items group layout =2

[DEBUG] Toogle item

[DEBUG] items group layout =2

[DEBUG] Toogle item

[DEBUG] items group layout =2

[DEBUG] Toogle item

POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/base/


200 OK


CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)

[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.sites

[DEBUG] items group layout =4

[DEBUG] items group layout =4

[DEBUG] items group layout =4

[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.Fill

[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.LanguageSwitcher

[DEBUG] items group layout =2

[DEBUG] has tab

[DEBUG] is not draggable

[DEBUG] is top

[DEBUG] is not draggable

[DEBUG] is top

[DEBUG] is not draggable

[DEBUG] is top

[DEBUG] is not draggable

[DEBUG] -- all tool bars added.

[INFO] Toolbar loaded in 1549ms

Good luck.

Thomas Feldman
Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager

Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19

mailto:***@duke-interactive.com <mailto:***@duke-interactive.com>
http://www.duke-interactive.com <http://www.duke-interactive.com>

If emails save time, not printing them saves trees

De : template_list-***@jahia.org [mailto:template_list-***@jahia.org] De la part de Benjamin Papez
Envoyé : mardi 24 février 2009 21:51
À : Any questions regarding template development and/or about the taglibsextension
Objet : Re: [template_list] On line page

Hello Thomas,

is there any error/warning logging in the console, when you access the page in LIVE mode ?

Benjamin Papez
2009-02-25 16:07:55 UTC
Hello Thomas,

this log output is unreadable as there are lots of characters missing, but
it looks like there is no error/warning in the log. Could you please flush
the cache of the site, so we could see if it is a caching problem. (if you
click on the right mouse button, when being on the Jahia toolbar, you can
choose Cache and you will get a Cache toolbar, where you can flush the cache
for a site).

Post by Thomas Feldman
============= gwt-log-1.5.6 =============Wed Feb 25 10:48:01 GMT+100 2009=============
[DEBUG] load module
[DEBUG] Categories selector not found
[DEBUG] load toolbar
POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/toolbar/
200 OK
CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)
[DEBUG] toolbar loaded
[INFO] createUI() 193ms
[DEBUG] 4 toolbar(s).
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] ---- is display title: false
[DEBUG] ---- Nb items groupe: 5
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.SwitchingMode
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.User
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/base/
200 OK
CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.sites
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.Fill
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] has tab
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] -- all tool bars added.
[INFO] Toolbar loaded in 1549ms
Good luck.
*Thomas Feldman
*Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager
*Duke - A Razorfish Company*
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19
If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
*Envoyé :* mardi 24 février 2009 21:51
*À :* Any questions regarding template development and/or about the
*Objet :* Re: [template_list] On line page
Hello Thomas,
is there any error/warning logging in the console, when you access the page in LIVE mode ?
template_list mailing list
Sergiy Shyrkov
2009-02-25 16:35:27 UTC
Hello Thomas,

could you please check the server log file (server console)?
The log entries, you've posted, are from Firebug console in the Firefox,
I guess.

Kind regards
Post by Benjamin Papez
Hello Thomas,
this log output is unreadable as there are lots of characters missing,
but it looks like there is no error/warning in the log. Could you please
flush the cache of the site, so we could see if it is a caching problem.
(if you click on the right mouse button, when being on the Jahia
toolbar, you can choose Cache and you will get a Cache toolbar, where
you can flush the cache for a site).
============= gwt-log-1.5.6 =============Wed Feb 25 10:48:01 GMT+100
[DEBUG] load module
[DEBUG] Categories selector not found
[DEBUG] load toolbar
POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/toolbar/
200 OK
CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)
[DEBUG] toolbar loaded
[INFO] createUI() 193ms
[DEBUG] 4 toolbar(s).
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] ---- is display title: false
[DEBUG] ---- Nb items groupe: 5
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.User
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/base/
200 OK
CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.sites
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.Fill
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] has tab
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] -- all tool bars added.
[INFO] Toolbar loaded in 1549ms
Good luck.
*Thomas Feldman
*Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager
*Duke - A Razorfish Company*
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19
If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
*Envoyé :* mardi 24 février 2009 21:51
*À :* Any questions regarding template development and/or about the
*Objet :* Re: [template_list] On line page
Hello Thomas,
is there any error/warning logging in the console, when you access
the page in LIVE mode ?
template_list mailing list
template_list mailing list
Thomas Feldman
2009-02-25 17:23:25 UTC
Sorry, didn't post the reply to the list, but the issue is fine now...It was just a cache problem.

Thanks for your help

Thomas Feldman
Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager
Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19
If emails save time, not printing them saves trees

-----Message d'origine-----
De : template_list-***@jahia.org [mailto:template_list-***@jahia.org] De la part de Sergiy Shyrkov
Envoyé : mercredi 25 février 2009 17:35
À : ***@jahia.org
Objet : Re: [template_list] On line page

Hello Thomas,

could you please check the server log file (server console)?
The log entries, you've posted, are from Firebug console in the Firefox,
I guess.

Kind regards
Post by Benjamin Papez
Hello Thomas,
this log output is unreadable as there are lots of characters missing,
but it looks like there is no error/warning in the log. Could you please
flush the cache of the site, so we could see if it is a caching problem.
(if you click on the right mouse button, when being on the Jahia
toolbar, you can choose Cache and you will get a Cache toolbar, where
you can flush the cache for a site).
============= gwt-log-1.5.6 =============Wed Feb 25 10:48:01 GMT+100
[DEBUG] load module
[DEBUG] Categories selector not found
[DEBUG] load toolbar
POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/toolbar/
200 OK
CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)
[DEBUG] toolbar loaded
[INFO] createUI() 193ms
[DEBUG] 4 toolbar(s).
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] ---- is display title: false
[DEBUG] ---- Nb items groupe: 5
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] items group layout =8
[DEBUG] itemsgroup is the tabpanel
[DEBUG] add tabitem
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.User
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] Toogle item
POST http://localhost:8080/gwt/base/
200 OK
CF1C3A35...ache.html (ligne 3900)
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.sites
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] items group layout =4
[DEBUG] ---- items group type: org.jahia.toolbar.itemsgroup.Fill
[DEBUG] items group layout =2
[DEBUG] has tab
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] is top
[DEBUG] is not draggable
[DEBUG] -- all tool bars added.
[INFO] Toolbar loaded in 1549ms
Good luck.
*Thomas Feldman
*Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager
*Duke - A Razorfish Company*
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19
If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
*Envoyé :* mardi 24 février 2009 21:51
*À :* Any questions regarding template development and/or about the
*Objet :* Re: [template_list] On line page
Hello Thomas,
is there any error/warning logging in the console, when you access
the page in LIVE mode ?
template_list mailing list
template_list mailing list
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