refusing edition
Thomas Feldman
2009-02-20 17:38:34 UTC
Hi ,

I have the following problem with Jahia 6.

I would like to know if it is possible to refuse a modification of one
of my editors, and to notify him automatically.

I can't find this functionality in the workflow...


Thomas Feldman
Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager

Duke - A Razorfish Company
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19

http://www.duke-interactive.com <http://www.duke-interactive.com>

If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
Damien Saulnier
2009-02-20 18:16:23 UTC
Hello Thomas,

It is not actually a template question, you have nothing specific to
develop to benefit of this feature. ;)

Just give read and write rights to your editors on the appropriate
content. Then, an editor will only be able to create/modify content, and
then notify his modifications in the workflow (yellow status icon in the
default two step WF). Then, someone having read/write/admin rights on
the concerned contents will have to accept (=publish) or reject (= back
to edit) those modifications. If you have activated email notifications,
the concerned people will be notified. At each step of the WF, you can
write an explanation message, which is included in the mail.

When your content is published, you can no more refuse it, as it is a WF
issue, but WF process has been completed. "Refusing" a published content
is a versioning issue, as you want to restore a previous version in this

You have probably used an admin user (member of the administrators
group), and bypassed the notification state, publishing directly the
content. With a user having admin rights on the local content, but not
being a site administrator (group administrators), you can go through
both steps, but one by one. If you are doing some functional tests, I
suggest you to avoid using a site admin user, as you can miss some
constraints you would be allowed to bypass. You should only use such
user for actual admin tasks.

Best regards,
Post by Thomas Feldman
Hi ,
I have the following problem with Jahia 6.
I would like to know if it is possible to refuse a modification of one
of my editors, and to notify him automatically.
I can’t find this functionality in the workflow…
*Thomas Feldman
*Chef de projet technique -Technical Project Manager
*Duke - A Razorfish Company*
86-90, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris - France
T : +33 (0)1 53 44 17 19
If emails save time, not printing them saves trees
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